ctys-getNetInfo - gets various network parameters
[--(brdglist|--bl)=<contained-if-prefix>] [--(brdglistxen|blx)=<contained-if-prefix>] [--(brdgcheckxen|bcx)=<bridge>] [-d <debug-options>] [-h] [-H <help-options>] [--iflist|--il} [--iffirst|--if] [--(iflistnames|iln)[=(ALL|PREFIX|POSTFIX|MATCH)[,<namestring>]]] [--iflistmacip|--ilmi] [-V] [-X]
displays various network related information.
It can be executed local and remote by usage of 'ctys-beamer'.
The main task is to provide support for analysis of networking problems in relation to the
actually available network-bridges.
Written and maintained by Arno-Can Uestuensoez:
Maintenance: | <<acue_sf1 (a) sourceforge net>> |
Homepage: | <https://arnocan.wordpress.com> |
Sourceforge.net: | <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ctys> |
Project moved from Berlios.de to OSDN.net: | <https://osdn.net/projects/ctys> |
Commercial: | <https://arnocan.wordpress.com> |
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
For BASE package following licenses apply,
This document is part of the DOC package,
For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.