June, 2010
ctys-install - base interface for installation and update
[-H <help-options>]
ctys-install is the base interface for installation and
update. For the common tasks ctys-distribute should be preferred,
which has a more straight forward interface.
"ctys-install" is used internally by "ctys-distribute" with some
detailed options. Therefore several call options are provided on a
level of higher granularity.
"ctys-install" itself makes sub-calls of "ctys-install1", which is
only foreseen to be called by the user via wrapper scripts.
- initial install - common paths
The "initial install" has no specific options, just the generic
options for redefinition of install paths are available.
- update
The options force, foceall, and forceclean are particularly available
for protection or deletion of present user specific configuration
- common sources - symbolic links
The "linkonly" option forces the installation of symbolic links
pointing to the actual location of the called "ctys-install"
directories and executables instead of performing a full scale install
by copy.
The usage of symbolic links for each executable has particularly
advantages for "quick-installs" and test purposes when used in
combination with a commmon directory structure on all machines by NFS.
Thus multiple user accounts on multiple virtual and physical machines
could be used for access to modified versions without requiring an
The required configuration and template directories are still copied
to the user's home for further modification.
Several configuration files are initially present only as defaults
within the resulting install directory and has to be copied by the
user when required to be altered.
The following combinations of call options for install cover the
common install procedures.
- Individual Install
Installs by copy of configurations and local lib-subdirectory
containing the copy of installed version.
- ctys-install
The basic and initial call, when a complete local copy is required.
- ctys-install force
Suppresses the version check, which by default allows for updates
with "higher" version numbers only.
Thus the current version will be installed independetly of the previous.
- ctys-install forceall
When previous configuration or templates are present, by default the
installation is canceled with a notification.
When FORCEALL is set, the present directories are moved to a backup directoy
by appending the current date to the directory name.
The caution in handling this directories is due to the fact, that
the configuration directories contain the individually edited
configuratiob, GROUP and MACRO files, and the generated cacheDB
- ctys-install forceclean
The option FORCECLEAN forces the previous deletion of installed
componnents, no backups are created.
- Centralized Install by Local Symbolic Links
Installs a copy of configurations and creates symbolic
links to the install sources.
- ctys-install linkonly
The basic and initial call, where locall symbolic links and a
minimal copy of configuration and template files is created.
The actual runtime system is just called by symbolic links, where
for each executable an individual link is created by default in
- ctys-install linkonly force
See "ctys-install force"
- ctys-install linkonly forceall
See "ctys-install forceall"
- ctys-install linkonly forceclean
See "ctys-install forceclean"
- Centralized Install by Search PATH
Just install to any target, either by copy or by linkonly, and set the
PATH as required.
- ctys-install1
Internal call for ctys-install.
- libdir
The root path for the physical install target. The actual physical
install is handled by a name including the current version in a
similar manner as shared libraries naming convention.
- [bindir=<default=$HOME/bin>]
The path to the starter directory, which is contained in the PATH variable.
- [templatedir=<default=$HOME/ctys>]
Directory to templates and test-data matching current version. When an
emtpy string is set, the install is suppressed, and the templates are
contained within the libdir only.
- [remove<default=unset>]
Removes previous configuration and templates.
- [noconf<default=unset>]
Suppresses the install of initial configuration files. Could be
somewhat dangerous, because some essential parameters are stored
within the configuration and should match the executed version.
- [force<default=unset>]
Checks "ctys -V -X" alphabetically/literally, normally only updates
are allowed, but force installs in any case.
Current users configuration director $HOME/.ctys will be left
- [forceall<default=unset>]
Checks "ctys -V -X" alphebetically/literally, normally only updates
are allowed, but forceall installs in any case. Anything, else than
users configuration directory $HOME/.ctys, will be removed and
installed again. The users current configuration will be moved to
- [forceclean<default=unset>]
Checks "ctys -V -X" alphebetically/literally, normally only updates
are allowed, but force installs in any case. Anything, including
current users configuration directory $HOME/.ctys, will be removed and
installed again.
- [linkonly<default=unset>]
Suppress the local copy to $HOME/lib directory, just appropriate
symbolic links are set to the given source directory determined by
this call. Anyhow, the configuration is copied and/or preserved as
- [version|--version|-V]
- [-X]
- [help|--help|-help|-h]
- 0: OK:
Result is valid.
- 1: NOK:
Erroneous parameters.
- 2: NOK:
Missing an environment element like files or databases.
- ctys use-cases
- ctys plugins
- PMs
- VMs
ctys-KVM(7), ctys-QEMU(7), ctys-VMV(7), ctys-XEN(7), ctys-VBOX(7)
ctys-CLI(7), ctys-PM(7), ctys-VNC(7), ctys-X11(7)
- ctys executables
ctys-distribute(1), ctys-genmconf(1), ctys-plugins(1), ctys-vhost(1)
- system executables
Written and maintained by Arno-Can Uestuensoez:
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
For BASE package following licenses apply,
- for software see GPL3 for license conditions,
- for documents see GFDL-1.3 with invariant sections for license conditions,
This document is part of the DOC package,
- for documents and contents from DOC package see
'Creative-Common-Licence-3.0 - Attrib: Non-Commercial, Non-Deriv'
with optional extensions for license conditions.
For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.