
June, 2010



ctys-uc-X11 - Use-Cases for X11 Interface


Xterm with Interactive bash

This opens a Xterm window with an interactive bash. Various consoles could be used, which are actually X-terminals such as Xterm ore gnome-terminal.

Due to the different usage of hyphens for the variuos graphical user interfaces the duboptions 'SH' and 'DH' - 'single hyphen' and 'double hyphen' were introduced. The "SH" suboption is here mandatory for the usage of Xterm, because the Xterm emulation requires a single-hyphen for it's options, default is "DH".

The default behaviour concerning the terminal emulation is to scan for a gnome-terminal first and prefer it if found, else an xterm emulation will be started by default.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11 lab00

The same by call CONSOLE:XTERM alias.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,console:xterm lab00

The same by call args.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,cmd:xterm,sh lab00

The same by call args with explicit shell.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,cmd:xterm,c:bash%-i,sh lab00

Gnome-Terminal with Interactive bash

This opens a Gnome-Terminal window with an interactive bash. The "DH" suboption is here mandatory but the default. This is required because the gnome-terminal emulation requires a double-hyphen for it's options.

The the default behaviour is to open a gnome-terminal when detected.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11 lab00

The same by call CONSOLE:GTERM alias.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,console:gterm lab00

The same as the default behaviour.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,dh lab00

The same as the default behaviour.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,cmd:gnome-terminal,c:bash%-i,dh lab00

Emacs Session in shell-mode

Starts an remote Emacs in

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,cmd:emacs%-f%shell,s:bash%-i lab00

The same by call CONSOLE:EMACS alias.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,console:emacs lab00

Emacs Session with cd

Starts an remote Emacs:

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx1,console:emacs,cd:/var/tmp app1

The result is:

Emacs-Console with 'cd /var/tmp'

Single XClock

This starts an Xclock with an altered options keyword for windows title, additionaly the "SH" key is required for using single-hyphens.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,cmd:xclock,titlekey:name,sh lab00

Similar, but not the same. This starts an Xclock with NOTITLE, which suppresses the setting of the title for a window by the LABEL string. Thus this window is no longer recognized by LIST, or just with limits.

  ctys -t x11 -a create=l:tstx11,cmd:xclock,notitle lab00


ctys(1) , ctys-plugins(1) , bash(1), xterm(1)

For standards:
Freedesktop: <http://www.freedesktop.org>
Xorg: <http://www.x.org>

For implementations:
FVWM: <http://www.fvwm.org>
Gnome: <http://www.gnome.org>
KDE: <http://www.kde.org>
XFCE: <http://www.xfce.org>


Written and maintained by Arno-Can Uestuensoez:

Maintenance: <<acue_sf1 (a) sourceforge net>>
Homepage: <https://arnocan.wordpress.com>
Sourceforge.net: <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ctys>
Project moved from Berlios.de to OSDN.net: <https://osdn.net/projects/ctys>
Commercial: <https://arnocan.wordpress.com>


Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

This is software and documentation from BASE package,

For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.