ctys-genmconf - generates the configuration entry
[-d <debug-options>] [-h] [-H <help-options>] [-I <TCP-address>] [-k <ctys-vhost-search-key>] [-l <remote-user>] [-M <MAC-address>] [--no-progress] [-P] [--progress] [-r [(WITHIP|WITHMAC|ALL)]] [--rounds=<rounds>%<cpu-cycles>%<hdd-cache-cycles>\ %<hdd-write-through-cycles>] [--testfs=<test-directory-storage>] [-u] [-U <UUID>] [-V] [-X] [-x (PM|VM)] <execution-target-list>
ctys-genmconf generates the initial configuration entry for a PM or VM for
The content of this file is required by the VMSTACK feature during validation of static consistency and dynamic applicability of the stack members. This is particularly required for hidden files in case of nested VMs to be started, where this data is required to be cached for pre-access within cacheDB. Several additional approaches are available, but this is the most versatile concept, even though it requires some pre-caching efforts.
The current version supports one context only, thus for each change of the booted kernel the differences could require a new generation of the configuration file, including the update of the cacheDB. Future versions are going to support multiple boot-contexts for each PM and VM, which will include the decision for booting the appropriate kernel as decided by the foreseen load-balancing mechanism.
The utility could be performed locally or remotely by full support of remote ctys-addressing.
The generation of data requires root access for some tools. Namely the utility "dmiencode", which is used to evaluate the UUID of the machine requires for execution root-permissions. Anyhow, some older machines may not have a readable UUID at all. The utility should therefore be executed once on each participating PM and VM by the administrator during installation, and should be completed manually with additional data.
Preferably the rpm package should be installed during initial
installation phase, which will generate the appropriate configuration
The data from the pm.conf is required for the ctys-vhost utility
and is therefore fetched by the ctys-vdbgen utility and is evaluated
by ctys-dnsutil for dynamic decision of node type.
Refer to "ctys" generic options for additional information.
Show help.
The extended help option is based on system interfaces for display of manpages, PDF and HTML documents. This comprises the man pages and installed manuals.
For additional help refer to the documents or type ctys -H help.
Preset value.
The search key to be used as filter for match-only results from the
"macmap.fdb" avoiding the usage of local parameters for "host, TCP/IP,
and OS". Any valid VHOST-SEARCH-ARGS {argument for "ctys-vhost"} is
Refer to "ctys" generic options for additional information.
Preset value.
Suppresses the displays of progress indicators.
Generates standard file path '/etc/ctys.d/[pv]m.conf'.
Default output is stdout.
Displays various progress indicators for HW capabilities measurements.
The range of interfaces to be included, current version supports ethernet interfaces only with the following ranges:
The rounds argument changes the basic amount of measurement cycles for predefined measurement patterns. The following arguments could be applied:
The testfilesystem for storage of data, teh default is set to '/var/tmp'.
Generate a UUID.
Preset value.
Show version.
Configuration files for the various machine categories. The output is slightly different.
Arno-Can Uestuensoez | <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/> |
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