
February, 2011



ctys-custom-setup - Receipt for the customized setup of ctys


The installation of the UnifiedSessionsManager is either proceeded by utilization of ctys-distribute or by installation of standard installation packages - such as rpm - which utilize the ctys-distribute call for local adjustment of the installation context.

The basic design of the ctys-distribute tool is the remote transformation and installation of the current local filesystem subtree for the actual executed version, thus it efectively clones it's own contained installation. Therefore the root of the installation subree for the actually called executable is evaluated and used as the source base for the current install procedure. The default behaviour is based on the PATH evaluation mechanism, whereas a specific version could be installed by simply calling ctys-distribute with a path-prefix. Due to enhanced application of the UNIX symbolic links the actual link-free path is evaluated before calling any further actions. This is also applied, when a shared installation is used by linked references only. The local user configuration is ignored and has to be adapted in addition to the installation.

In case of the application of ctys-distribute the customization could be simply done by removing or adding files to a custom tree. The directory trees foreseen for customization of third-party packages and the amount of forwarded documents are:

In addition the software itself could be extended by the plugins mechanism.

Short Receipts

Man-Pages only

The installed packages could be prepared for lean installation with man-pages only as follows:

  1. Install BASE-package.
  2. Install DOC-package.
  3. Remove all files within the 'doc-tree' except the man-subtrees.


  4. Proceed with installation.

No Intro

The installed packages could be prepared for lean installation without the introduction material as follows:

  1. Install BASE-package.
  2. Install DOC-package.
  3. Remove the 'intro-tree'.


  4. Proceed with installation.

Add documents

The installed packages could be prepared with additional documents as follows:

  1. Install BASE-package.
  2. Install DOC-package.
  3. Copy additional documents into the appropriate sub directories of the 'doc-tree'. Even though the documents will be distributed with the standard documents, the user interface components like HTML files are compiled static, therefore require manual customization.


  4. Proceed with installation.


ctys-distribute(1) , ctys-plugins(1)



Arno-Can Uestuensoez <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/>


Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2020 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

For BASE package following licenses apply,

This document is part of the DOC package,

For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.