
February, 2011



ctys-multisite-install - Receipt for the single and multi-site installation


The installation of the UnifiedSessionsManager is either proceeded by utilization of ctys-distribute or by installation of standard installation packages - such as rpm - which utilize the ctys-distribute call for local adjustment of the installation context.

The standard tools utilize their specific distribution mechanisms, e.g. by the RHEL environment for automation of software-distribution and update management.

The second choice for the UnifiedSessionsManager offered by ctys-distribute is the simple distribution by usage of scp from the OpenSSH package. This provides for several target installation contexts, so for private user-land setups too. In the latter case just a remote copy of the local effective installation is setup, which avoids particularly the requirement for administrator permissions. For required system tools and the appropriate setup still some administrator permissions are required.

Short Receipts

Sequential Install - One Target-User

The ctys-distribute utility provides for multi-site installations by default, but by sequential procedure only, the following call uses on each target host the same account. The default account is the callers login.

  [<install-dir>/bin/]ctys-distribute -P uhc -l userX targetA targetB ... targetN

Sequential Install - Multiple Target-Users

The ctys-distribute utility provides for multi-site installations by default, but by sequential procedure only, the following call uses various individual accounts for each target host.

  [<install-dir>/bin/]ctys-distribute -P uhc userA@targetA userB@targetB ... userN@targetN

Parallel Install

This could be extended by a simple shell script for in-parallel execution:

  for i in userA@targetA userB@targetB ... userN@targetN;do
     [<install-dir>/bin/]ctys-distribute -P uhc $i 2>&1 >/tmp/$i.out &

Parallel Install with Max-Tasks

The following script variant controls the actual maximum number of tasks performed in parallel:

  TARGETS="userA@targetA userB@targetB ... userN@targetN";
  for i in ${TARGETS};do
      if ((n<MAX));then
         [<install-dir>/bin/]ctys-distribute -P uhc $i 2>&1 >/tmp/$i.out &
         let n++;


ctys-distribute(1) , ctys-plugins(1)



Arno-Can Uestuensoez <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/>


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