
June, 2010



ctys-uc-WoL - Use-Cases for Wake-on-Lan - WoL



The Wake-on-LAN - WoL - feature enables the remote wake-up of machines by sending of a MagicPacket(TM). The PM plugin supports the most - probably all - practical cases of WoL .

In order to function the NIC on the target machine has to be setup properly before shutdown(of the wake-up target).

This enables a volatile register on the NIC, which is - as far as known - not stored persistently, thus requires a continued stand-by power.

The packets are processed on Ethernet-Layer, therefore require in the most common case a segment specific broadcast. This requires some specific cases for remote-wake-up.

Some specific requirements arise from the execution structure of CREATE for the PM plugin. This is inherent to the circumstance, that the target of PM as a runtime-container is not available before the successful execution - at least the first step - of CREATE of the WoL-target. The specific case here is the fact, that the PM requires it's managed target as a runtime container for itself. In companion with the restricted permission to some tools like ether-wake, a gateway-host for execution of the CREATE method is required, which could be the localhost itself.

The basic instances involved into processing of WoL are:

      |       hostX          |
      |                      |
      |   WoL-Destination    |   WoL-Target
      |                      |
      |       +---+          |
   WoL|       |NIC|          |
          |            |
          | execTarget |         Gateway-Host
          |            |
          |            |
          |   caller   |         WoL-Controller
          |            |
         /              \
Structure of WoL configuration

The NIC on <target> requires the following pre-initialization, which is (seems) to be stored in a volatile RAM powered by stand-by power, thus has to be reinitialized when <target> is powered-off.

  ethtool -s <ifX> wol umbg
  with Wake On:
    u - unicast messages
    m - multicast messages
    b - broadcast messages
    g - MAgicPacket(tm)

REMINDER: The interface to be addressed is the physical interface receiving the required packets. This could vary from the standard naming schema. For example in case of standard Xen the name of the physical interface name of original "eth0" is altered to "peth0". Anyhow, some implementations might bypass the register settings to physical interfaces, this has to be verified for each execution platform.

The resulting usage of WoL with ctys calls only requires the following calls for wake-up of the off-line, but stand-by powered <WoL-target>.

  1. Switch the hostX into stand-by mode - executed on the WoL target.
      ctys -t pm -a cancel=wol,poweroff hostX

  2. Activate the hostX from stand-by mode - executed on the WoL initiator.
      ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:hostX,broadcast:

The following Use-Cases comprise some supported and verified scenarios for WoL application. These scenarios show up one of the main pitfalls within a SSO environment, where e.g. a kerberos based "ksu" does not work for any case.


The required prerequisites due to the required system tools and access permissions should be validated with the utility ctys-plugins.

The WoL feature is based on the following pre-requirements:

The tools required for ctys are:

The permissions required are:

The configuration of ksu and/or sudo should be preferred for granting access permissions, the change of file permissions should be avoided.

Configuration of Access Permissions

The plugin PM has the key role for the application of WoL, thus is required to be setup properly.

Two locations of execution are accessed for a complete boot, thus both required to be prepared.

The NIC has to be prepared - obviously before shutdown. This requires permissions for the CANCEL action of PM including the required system resources.



WoL with Bridge-less Configuration

A single NIC as unique remote access port in a production environment. No bridges are present.

Anything works quite straight forward. Due to the required root-permissions any shutdown-utility could be used with local and network based users.

      |      hostX           |
      |                      |
      |      WoL-Destination |
      |                      |
      |   +---+              |
   WoL|   |NIC|              |
            |  CONSOLE
         +--+-----+           +------------+
         | switch |           |            |
         |        +----+      | execTarget |
         +--------+    |      |            |
                       |      +------------+
                       |      |            |
                       |      +------------+
                       |      |            |
                       +------+   caller   |
                              |            |
                             /              \

Bridge-less WoL configuration within same Ethernet Segment

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:<hostX> -Z NOSUDO '(-d 99 -Z KSU)'
  ctys -t pm -a cancel=wol,self,stack,poweroff:0 -Z KSU <hostX>'(-d 99 -w -Z SUDO)'

WoL with a Virtual-Bridge

A single bridged NIC as unique remote access port in a production environment.

In this scenario things become somewhat complicated. The main reason for now is, that in case of a bridging a physical NIC, the "wol g" option of ethtool is in some cases not correctly set on the physical nor the logical NICs beeing a member of a bridge.

Thus a "stop" of the bridge is required previously to setting WoL, which - at least temporarily - disconnects "<hostX>" from the network. And therefore from the authentication services as well as from the required runtime-utilities. More severe - from NFS too!

Thus for safety this is supported for local users only.

      |   hostX              |
      |   WoL-Destination    |
      |   +------+           |
      |   |bridge|           |
      |   +--+---+           |
      |      |               |
      |   +--+---+           |
   WoL|   |NIC   |           |
             | CONSOLE
         +---+----+           +------------+
         | switch +-----------+            |
         |        +----+      | execTarget |
         +--------+    |      |            |
                       |      +------------+
                       |      +------------+
                       |      |            |
                       +------+   caller   |
                              |            |
                             /              \

WoL configuration with a virtual bridge

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:<hostX> -Z NOSUDO
  ctys -t pm -a cancel=wol,self,stack,poweroff:0 -Z NOKSU <hostX>'(-Z SUDO)'

WoL with NIC-Bonding on the Target

A bridged bonded NIC group as unique remote access port in a production environment.

The same restrictions as for 2.).

     |   WoL-Destination    |
     |   +------+           |
     |   |bridge|           |
     |   +--+---+           |
     |      |               |
     |   +--+---+           |
  WoL|   |bond  |           |
           || CONSOLE
        +--++----+           +------------+
        | switch +-----------+            |
        |        +----+      | execTarget |
        +--------+    |      |            |
                      |      +------------+
                      |      +------------+
                      |      |            |
                      +------+   caller   |
                             |            |
                            /              \

WoL configuration with a virtual bridge on a bond device

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:<hostX> -Z KSU <execTarget>'(-Z SUDO)'
  ctys -t pm -a cancel=wol,self,stack,poweroff:0 -Z NOKSU  <hostX>'(-Z SUDO)'

WoL for a Target Behind a Router

A bridged bonded NIC group as non-WoL remote access port in a production environment. Additionally a specific management NIC with WoL support.

In this case restrictions to local-only users apply only, when the WoL-NIC is used as access port. In any case no local restrictions apply to network-users with mounted HOMEs.

But instead some configuration of network equipment is required in order to pass the required messages through involved routers.

A typical scenario where a remote broadcast is required even in the local LAN.

             +---+  hostX           |
        +----+NIC|                  |
        |    +---+  WoL-Destination |
        |    |                      |
        |    |   +----+             |
   WoL  |    |   |bond|             |
        |    +---+-++-+-------------+
        |          ||
        |          ||  CONSOLE
        |          ||
   +----+---+   +--++----+           +------------+
   | switch |   | switch +-----------+            |
   | 100MHz |   | 1GHz   +----+      | execTarget |
   +----+---+   +----+---+    |      |            |
        |            |        |      +------------+
        |            |        |
        | +--------+ |        |      +------------+
        | |        | |        |      |            |
        +-+ router +-+        +------+   caller   |
          |        |                 |            |
          +--------+                 +------------+
                                    /              \

WoL configuration for a NIC behind a router

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:<hostX>,broadcast: -Z KSU <execTarget>'(-Z KSU)'
  ctys -t pm -a cancel=wol,if:eth2,self,stack,poweroff:0 -Z KSU  <hostX>'(-Z KSU)'

The reason for this scenario is the restriction of the NIC as beeing a recipient for WoL packets. This is defined so by the Motherboard/BIOS. But using a Gigabit port for multiple of those machines was not welcome. Thus the good-old 100MHz device, which is actually a c1538m, was used for WoL purposes only. It is used for a printerserver anyway, and had enough unused ports. The router in this case is a OpenBSD custom-made router, offering pass-through of directed-broadcasts, thus anything works fine.

CLI - Cycle for WoL

This halts the machine with preparation of WoL.

In this case sudo is used for raising permissions on the target machine where the sudoers is configured with requiretty, thus the -z 2 parameter is required.

  ctys -t pm -a cancel=self,force,wol,poweroff:0,timeout:0 -z 2 wol1@lab01'(-Z sudo)'

The following call switches the machine "t:" on and opens a CLI console within the callers window. Therefore the option -z 2 is required twice and -b 0 once. This is due to the requirement of a pty for the reasons:

The CLI requires in each case a synchronous forground mode by -b 0.

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:,sshping:wol1,console:cli -z 2 -b 0 lab00'(-Z sudo -z 2)'

XTERM - Cycle for WoL

This halts the machine with preparation of WoL.

In this case sudo is used for raising permissions on the target machine where the sudoers is configured with requiretty, thus the -z 2 parameter is required.

  ctys -t pm -a cancel=self,force,wol,poweroff:0,timeout:0 -z 2 wol1@lab01'(-Z sudo)'

The following call switches the machine "t:" on and opens a gnome-terminal window with a bash. Therefore the option -z 2 is required for the execution of ethtool by sudoers, which is configured with requiretty.

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:,sshping:wol1,console:xterm -z 2 lab00'(-Z sudo)'

GTERM - Cycle for WoL

This halts the machine with preparation of WoL.

In this case sudo is used for raising permissions on the target machine where the sudoers is configured with requiretty, thus the -z 2 parameter is required.

  ctys -t pm -a cancel=self,force,wol,poweroff:0,timeout:0 -z 2 wol1@lab01'(-Z sudo)'

The following call switches the machine "t:" on and opens a gnome-terminal window with a bash. Therefore the option -z 2 is required for the execution of ethtool by sudoers, which is configured with requiretty.

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:,sshping:wol1,console:gterm -z 2 lab00'(-Z sudo)'

EMACS -Cycle for WoL

This halts the machine with preparation of WoL.

In this case sudo is used for raising permissions on the target machine where the sudoers is configured with requiretty, thus the -z 2 parameter is required.

  ctys -t pm -a cancel=self,force,wol,poweroff:0,timeout:0 -z 2 wol1@lab01'(-Z sudo)'

The following call switches the machine "t:" on and opens a gnome-terminal window with a bash. Therefore the option -z 2 is required for the execution of ethtool by sudoers, which is configured with requiretty.

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:,sshping:wol1,console:emacs -z 2 lab00'(-Z sudo)'

If Emacs does no start with a shell check your emacs version, your environment and your configuration first. Try the X11 plugin with CONSOLE:EMACS next.

VNC - Cycle for WoL

This halts the machine with preparation of WoL.

In this case sudo is used for raising permissions on the target machine where the sudoers is configured with requiretty, thus the -z 2 parameter is required.

  ctys -t pm -a cancel=self,force,wol,poweroff:0,timeout:0 -z 2 wol1@lab01'(-Z sudo)'

The following call switches the machine "t:" on and opens a gnome-terminal window with a bash. Therefore the option -z 2 is required for the execution of ethtool by sudoers, which is configured with requiretty.

  ctys -t pm -a create=wol,t:,sshping:wol1,console:vnc -z 2 lab00'(-Z sudo)'


ctys-IPMI(7), ctys-PM(7), ctys-uc-PM(7), ctys-wakeup(1), ether-tool(8), ether-wake(8), nc(1)<a.k.a. netcat>, ethers(5)


Arno-Can Uestuensoez <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/>


Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2020 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

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This document is part of the DOC package,

For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.