Historic Release
Update for archive. Some broken links, new storage, etc. No development.
This is a historic release from 2012 with maximum authenticity.
Some web-links and build issues are corrected for the complete display only.
Some canceled former repositories are replaced - e.g.
Google Code
are replaced by
No content changes are made.
Thus some references are still of 2012 and may not match.
Release dates as represented by the automated build tools in some documents
referring to the latest build date are erroneous.
The actual release dates are of 2012.
Für "UnifiedSessionsManager"
Original Autor: Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
Die Haupt-Seiten:
- UnifiedSessionsManager @OSDN - https://UnifiedSessionsManager.osdn.io
- UnifiedSessionsManager @Sourceforge - https://UnifiedSessionsManager.sourceforge.io
Die folgenden URLs sind Projekt-Seiten des UnifiedSessionsManager - CTYS / Commutate to Your Session:
- CTYS @OSDN - https://osdn.net/projects/ctys/
- CTYS @Sourceforge - https://sourceforge.net/projects/ctys/
- CTYS @GitHub - https://github.com/UnifiedSessionsManager
- CTYS @BitBucket - https://bitbucket.com/UnifiedSessionsManager
Website Release
Diese Website hat die Freigabe/Release Version: 01_12_003 / 2020-09-22
UnifiedSessionsManager Release
Die aktuelle stabile Freigabe/Release des UnifiedSessionsManager ist: 01_12_002 / 2011-12-06
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