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Public Presentations
The impact of virtualization on software architectures and lifecycles -
A practical approach; 27.04.2012;89
ACCU-2012 – Association of C and C++ Users; Oxford/GB
Application of Virtualization and CloudComputing for Development and Runtime Systems;
Session 16 - Internet Technology and M2M I;
01.03.2012; Embedded-World 2012; Nürnberg
UnifiedSessionsManager - Virtualisierung und Cloud-Computing;
4. Workshop "Grid- und Cloud-Technologie für den Entwurf technischer Systeme";
22.09.2012; Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS; Dresden
Program-2011 Tib UB-Hannover: Texte - pg.75 ff. / local copy
Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen, ISSN 0177 - 0454; pg. 255-261
Online presentations
- Datasheet - Overview 03.02.002©2010
- Datasheet for Sytemadministrators - Version-01.11 ©2010
- Datasheet for SW-Developer and Tester - Version-01.11 ©2010
- Datasheet for Module and Systemtests - Version-01.11 ©2010
- Datasheet for Single-User - Version-01.11 ©2010
- Whitepaper - UnifiedSessionsManager - A Service Management Approach for CloudComputing - November, 2010 ©2010
- Whitepaper - Draft preliminary - UnifiedSessionsManager - A Service Management Approach for CloudComputing - November, 2010 ©2010
- For each Requirement the appropriate Virtualization-Solution ©2010
- Yet Another Integration Framework - The UnifiedSessionsManager - Your personal CloudComposer ©2010
- Unified Sessions - User Centric Service Clouds - Interface Concepts ©2010
- Virtualization and Cloud Computing - SOA and SaaS ©2010
- GUI-Automation - Four Steps to your personal Cloud ©2010
- Client, Server, and Desktop Integration and Automation with the UnifiedSessionsManager ©2010
- A first view©2008
- UnifiedSessionsManager - ctys - 2009 - Abstract©2008
- Virtualization and Cloud Computing - 2009©2008
- A preview to the future of SOA and SaaS©2008