Arno-Can Uestuensoez
@Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
For issues concerning the "UnifiedSessionsManager" use
Related Websites
The following URLs are related to
the UnifiedSessionsManager:
Website Release
This Website is of the Release
Version: 03_01_003a02 / 2009-06-01
This is an intermediate release
before setting a up a new content
management based system.
UnifiedSessionsManager Release
The current stable release of the
UnifiedSessionsManager is: 01_07_001b05a / 2009-015-20
The design PixelGreen 1.2 is downloaded from
Free Templates:
It is a free, W3C-compliant, CSS-based website template
This work is distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, which means that you are free to
use and modify it for any
purpose. All to be done is that you include a link back to
authors website in your credits.
Many thanks to Mr. Erwin Aligam
for the great help
by providing this perfect and easy to use template.
The following Web-Elements are used from the
Open-Source community.
For applicable licences refer to the provided links.
The license provided for such components are in general fully complain
to the requested by the authors.
- HTML Slidy by
Dave Ragget
The slide show script and style sheet can be used freely under W3C's
software licensing.
document use.
Please send comments to the author: Dave Raggett
But anyhow, the contents are NOT
free generaly.
They are, if not mentioned
otherwise under my personal
Obvious, but to be written due to regulatories: "It should be recognized, that the given
links on this page are solely owned by and are within the
exclusive responsibility of their owners. The intention to reference to that
sites is neither to take ownership of their work, nor to state
commitment to any given statement on their sites. It is much more
to honour the work, and thank to the help, the author advanced
from by himself. Last but not least, the intention is to support a
short cut for the users of UnifiedSessionsManager to sources of required help."