
  1. First View:
    A short overview of basic user interfaces.
  2. UnifiedSessionsManager and SaaS:
    The Basic introduction and the big vision behind the scene towards a virtualized future of SOA and SaaS.

The slides use HTML Slidy by Dave Ragget. Check the bottom-toolbar for help, F11-Key toggles to full screen mode and back, page-up and page-down do what they promise, same for Pos1 and End.

The layout is primarily foreseen to be used with for Firefox.

Online Summaries

  1. Abstract:
    A short high-level overview with focus on desktop features.
  2. Summary:
    A short summary of some advanced features related to Client and Server Virtualization with focus on virtual network centric services and Cloud Computing.


Complete Manuals:

  1. PDF-Manual: Extended table of contents for online usage only.
  2. PDF-Manual: Moderate table of contents, forseen for printing.

Extracted subsets for specific tasks:

  1. Installation and Configuration of the UnifiedSessionsManager
  2. QEMU(TM) - Installation and first Application.
  3. Xen(TM) - Installation and first Application.
  4. VMware(TM) Workstation/Server/Player - Installation and first Application.

The documentation is provided as various PDF files is based on a common superset, which is compiled into a single PDF file as the manual. The manual comprisises currently more than 600 pages, the next version seem to be expanded while currently introducing additional hypervisors and OSs.

The complete Manual is available in two variants containing different degrees of hyperlinked tables of contents. A PDF file with an extended table of contents to be used as online help and a second with a reduced table of contents foreseen to be printed.

In addition some subsets are generated to be used for installation of the UnifiedSesionsManager framework itself and for the specific hypervisors. The installation of GuestOSs itself is generally not the subject of the UnifiedSessionsManager, even though mandatorily required. Thus mainly the typical pitfalls, such as basic installation and network interconnection are described. For the supported hypervisors the test configurations and e.g. for Xen some automation utilities for kickstart setup are contained. Additionally a roadmap for the complete setup with miscellaneous hints is provided.