
June, 2010



ctys-XEN - XEN Interface


   ctys -t XEN  -a action[=<suboptions>] ...
   ctys -T XEN  -a action[=<suboptions>] ...
   ctys -T ALL  -a action[=<suboptions>] ...


The XEN plugin adds support for sessions to VirtualMachines of type Xen(TM). The management of the virtual machines include particularly the support of boot and shutdown for local and remote virtual machines including an inventory with accessible machines. Stored machines on network devices could be accessed by multiple worker-machines, providing a multipath-registration within the inventory. The inventory is populated automatically by scanning the local and remote filesystems and collecting the information of detected VMs into a local ASCII file-database.

The access to VMs is supported by the full scope of the <machine-address> , thus e.g. a user defined LABEL as a shortcut-alias could be used. The XEN plugin is "VM-STACK safe" as it handles running embedded virtual machines and emulators by propagating state change events(e.g. SHUTDOWN) of the execution platform to contained hypervisors and emulators.

The scope comprises for now the products XEN community edition, which are all TradeMarks of Citrix Inc. The supported product versions are automatically detected, thus no furter parameters for version distinction are required. Current version supports the server versions 3.x. Updates will be available soon.

Additional information for installation is available from ctys-configuration-XEN , information containing use-cases with application examples is available from ctys-uc-XEN .


-a <action>

For the complete Syntax refer to the depicted generic superset within the call-framework ctys(1) .

The full <vm-address> range is supported. Particularly the wildcard-attribute ALL is provided for application on all sessions of selected and permissive user-scope.

All standard parameters not listed here could be applied.

Dependent on the choosen parameter set some specific CONSOLE types can - whereas some cannot - be applied.


The appropriate settings for the choosen console has to be prepared within the related config file.

The default CONSOLE could be pre-set by the variable XEN_CONSOLE_DEFAULT in the xen.conf file. The original default is XTERM. The recommended text console for Gnome is GTERM, but any other could be set as default too.

-b 0 - foreground B+M A A X
-b 1 - background - X X X
-z 2 - pseudotty M X X X
Applicable forwarding modes and call locations for XEN
X) Supported.
A.) Supported, but will block the call-terminal for the whole session,
      so might not be used from a single-console environment.
B.) Blocks the console for other calls, thus allows for bulk targets
      serial execution only.
M.) Mandatory, but could be suppressed with "-z NOPTY" when a terminal
      with some drawbacks is sufficient. One of specific than is that the
      password will be echoed for some systems in cleartext, anyhow as
      a lonely night-rider it might not hurt you.
Types of CONSOLE to be applied depends on the -b parameter for background execution too.

The following behaviour applies:
-b 0 - synchronous foreground execution

In this mode the current execution thread is performed synchronous in the foreground, this means particularly a CLI based console cannot be detached, when multiple tasks are in the queue in order to begin the next. Thus it would result to blocking the remaining sessions until the current has been finished by the caller.

This parameter is allowed to be applied, but the caller has to be aware of the drawbacks, when choosing multiple execution targets.

-b 1 - synchronous background execution

In this mode the DomU will be started by different means for XTERM and VNC only.

Will be generally rejected, because multiple execution targets cannot be handled by a single physical console, and one target could be perfectly handled by *-b 0*.

The gnome-terminal which is currently simply mapped to XTERM.

Starts first an xterminal by using the X11 module and initiates the startup of the DomU within the Xterminal session as a native and synchronous call to xm -c .... So it is basically the asynchronous variant of a CLI call.

The Emacs is started in shell-mode, this supports the full scope of edit features on the output buffer. The basic principle is similar to any X11 console with an embedded CLI interface.

This case is somewhat different to the previous, in the way that two independent calls for the DomU itself are required.
  • The DomU has to be started, which is performed by calling xm <conf>.

  • The VNCviewer has to be attached to the offered port by the DomU. Therefore a timeout will be applied, which could be controlled by the environment variable XEN_CONSOLE_DOMU_INIT_WAIT, which is used for a sleep-call. Due to buffer handling some console messages could probably be lost.

    The client call is an internal call of the VNC plugin, which is independent and could be applied separately.

No console is started, any type could be connected later. -z 2 - force allocation of a pty by ssh Allocates a pty.

When <callopts> are given, these will be passed through to the call:

  xm [-c] <conf-path> <callopts>

For additional information refer to Xen manual.

-g <geometry>|<geometryExtended>

The geometry has no effect on the server started within the DomU. Just the client will be set:

Not appliccable.

The size Xsiz and Ysiz provide the UNIT of CHARACTERS only.

As expected.

-L <execution-location>

-r <resolution>
Not supported.


Refer to common options parts description.



The XEN plugin adds support for XEN sessions where the client types CLI , VNC , and X11 are supported. Any non-listed standard option of ctys applies as defined. In cases of divergent behaviour for similar options, and options with specific suboptions, these are listed in this section.

There are some specifics to be recognized and/or applied specific to Xen. This is primarily due to it's nature of the hypervisor interface, where DomU-s are children of the one and only Dom0, which is not visible to ps as a normal process, but to the specific tools xm and virsh. Where virsh is part of libvirt but prerequired for ctys.

One main challange in combination of access to restricted system resources is the requirement of root permissions for some calls to manage DomU-s. This requires for user-level on demand CREATE and CANCEL the configuration of sudo or ksu.

Some drawbacks for the common applied tricks of ctys, using the CLI and ps as an dynamic storage and exchange interface for runtime information are not working in the altered runtime environment. Even though particularly the virsh dumpxml call offers a variety of information. One missing data, that really hurts is the missing information of the used configuration file for the list-ed or dumpxml-ed domain. The source file is available - which is the virtual boot-device. But this does not allow an back annotation to related configuration file - this could be just safely defined by additional naming convention, what is done within ctys for simplicity.

Another specifics is a legacy of ctys, which is the definition of ID as a static unique identifier for a VM and PM entity, which does not change, when the entity changes it's state to offline. Resulting of this, the ID is for VMW, PM, and XEN the fully qualified pathname of the configuration file, which is not necessarily unique, due to NFS mounted shares on multiple PMs and/or VMs. This is still not unique, when combining the PMs hostname and the pathname of the configuration file, because the contained IDs, e.g. TCP/IP address, MAC address, and UUID are now available within multiple entities, and thus will be listed as though when using administrative management utilities. Anyhow, it should be at least guaranteed by the user, that the entities are unique within the scope a single node. The toolset is prepared to handle various constellations, but it makes the selection by the user easier.

For this the following shortcuts and conventions apply.


ctys(1) , ctys-CLI(1) , ctys-configuration-XEN(7) , ctys-createConfVM(1) , ctys-plugins(1) , ctys-uc-XEN(7) , ctys-vhost(1) , virsch(18) , ctys-VNC(1) , ctys-X11(1) , xm(1)


Arno-Can Uestuensoez <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/>


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