
November, 2010



ctys - Commutate To Your Session


   [-t <session-type>]
   [-a <action>]
   [<generic options>]


The utility ctys is the core interface to be used within the UnifiedSessionsManager. ctys encapsulates the user interfaces of the whole set of supported hypervisors and native sessions into a common syntax with a single call interface.


Installation and Setup

The installation and configuration is descibed within the HowTo manual and the specific configuration guides. The basic installation should work almost from the box, once the prerequisites are present. The most valuable tool for verifying the setup of ctys is ctys-plugins which performs a validation of local and remote installations and displays a detailed report.


The majority of the preset default values could be changed by configuration files and environment variables. The configuration files are installed by default within $HOME/.ctys directory tree.

VMs and PMs - Sessions Namebinding

The most important aspect for the introduction of a common interface is the unique namenbinding for addressing the user sessions to physical machines, supported hypervisors and guest OSs. The session in this case is defined as a representation of the lifetime for the active state of the runtime entity.

Each session could span multiple logins from multiple users, dependent from the individual setup. Thus the namebinding of the sessions and their related attributes becomes the most important feature for the management of the distributed user environments.

The specific actions required for the evaluation of the sessions namebinding are distinguished by their types:

Two basic access-approaches are provided for VMs:

The scanning approach does not require additional preparation, just some basic setup like the root-directory to start. The caching approach requires the previous scan of a list of targets and the storage of their resulting inventory data into a so called local cacheDB (Address-Resolution) .

The supported core utilities are:

These provide particularly the dynamic network related data for caching and offer an enhanced query interface.

Option Groups

The options are grouped into two sections:


These are options directly related to specific plugins. ACTIONS are suboptions to the -a option and are preset by the actual loaded plugin controlled by -t and -T options.

Generic Attributes

These are the options which are mostly generic within the whole set of utilities. They influence the ACTIONS, but are related to the runtime environment.





ctys supports the following actions:

Handling of specific sessions:

Retrieval of overall generic information:

Internal helper-methods using the official interface:



CANCEL terminates running sessions of present plugins. This includes HOSTs, VMs, and PMs. Thus beneath the handling of virtual and login sessions the management of physical machines is included. The CANCEL method includes therefore the handling of state dependencies in a hierarchical manner too. This is e.g. when a physical machine is going to be canceled - shutdown, than the contained remaining sessions are going to be canceled too. Therefore a vertical dependency is defined, which recognizes and handles the nested execution of contained sub-sessions too.

CANCEL works by default asynchronously, thus is usable in parallel for emergency shutdowns by typing quickly a short syntax.

Refer to common options parts description.

Cancels all instances of actually loaded plugins collected by a list call.

Selection of the VM parts to be CANCELed.

Cancels the stack by call to hypervisor without forward propagation. If supported, a kill call is performed after a timeout.

Cancels a stack by forward propagation of CANCEL requests. If supported, a kill call is performed after a timeout.

When handling stacks of nested PMs and VMs, the application of CANCEL action on a lower level will force contained instances to be terminated too. Thus the behaviour has to be pre-selected, whether a 'top-down' soft shutdown has to be performed, or a 'bottom-up' behaviour of instances, by killing the assigned level without recognition of contained instances. This might be appropriate e.g. in emergency cases. Two basic directions are defined:

As described above.

Uses a chained approach for shutting down by a top-down behaviour. Therefore the VM-stack will be first walked up and marked by repetitive sub-calls with defined specific CANCEL suboptions.

Due to implementation specifics some remapping of inner states is performed. The mode of operation is controlled by following parameters. When not given, the default CANCEL mode is applied, which is a SHUTDOWN/STOP for servers and an UNIX-kill for client processes.

Mapped to UNIX init.

The VM will be paused immediately, remaining clients will be "UNIX-killed", not so if SERVER selected.

The VM will be suspended immediately, remaining clients will be "UNIX-killed", not so if SERVER selected.

A reset is performed on any instance immediately, remaining clients will be "UNIX-killed", not so if SERVER selected.

Performs a "soft reset", where the instances will be given a timeout before forcing them to terminate.

A multilevel-delayed SHUTDOWN of VMs is performed.
Includes the execution target as final system to be canceled. Else the upper stack beginning with the <machine-address> is canceled only. If no upper stack is present nothing will be done.

Resets the target with forward propagation on stacks. RESET utilizes the native call of the hypervisor as a second step when FORCE is not set.

Reboots the target, the behaviour is similar to RESET, but for the second step the hypervisor is not used. Thus a REBOOT call with FORCE flag set and SELF flag unset will not perform any CANCEL action, whereas RESET calls the hypervisor as the only action.

A REBOOT call without FORCE flag set and SELF flag unset will perform a stack propagation, and thus in case of missing native GuestOS support for ctys the hypervisor will be called by the propagation function.

Performs an native INIT on UNIX systems with forward propagation by remapping of the INIT request .
Calls PAUSE when supported, which is an ACPI state S3.

SUSPEND has almost the same behaviour as PAUSE, the only difference is the state S4.

POWEROFF or ACPI state S5, switches into offline mode, which is actually a stand-by mode. Within UnifiedSessionsManager the configuration of WoL is pre-required in order to activate systems from state S5.

Timeout after forward propagation of a CANCEL request, this is used for each of contained levels.

The user to be used for native access to the <action-target>.



The CREATE action starts local and remote sessions for supported plugins. The desribed part within this document is the generic superset for all plugins, where specific plugins may support less options than depicted here. This is due to specific restrictions. For example the CLI session may not require a configuration file due it's solely dynamic nature. In some exceptional cases the specific plugin may provide an additional attribute, what should be avoided when ever possible.

The CREATE has to basic modes, the operational creation of session by starting an entity and the initial creation of a session, which could be the installation of a VM. Therefore the optional parameters BOOTMODE for variation of the default boot for CREATE of a VM and the INSTMODE for the initial boot mode from a specific installation medium are provided. This is the case for the current version for some 'complete open source' solutions, where as the more commercial products are for now foreseen to handle the installation of guest systems with their own utilities.

The CREATE action is additionally supported by several utilities, for the virtual machines in particular by the guest system installer and configurator ctys-createConfVM(1) . This provides currently for some plugins the plug-and-play installation of virtual machines including the guest system, while for some commercial products for now the creation of additional configuration information is provided only. This temporary restriction is due to the actual amount of proprietary interfaces to be adapted, which is going to be provided. The particular support for the CREATE session is given by persistently provided default values, which omit long commandline strings and represent a distributed database for example for the mapping of user defined strings as execution shortcuts.

The main advance of the common seamless syntax for CREATE ist the unique interface syntax for the start of plugins with various frontends. This particularly provides for the various application fields with either user desktops, or server based backend setups. Therefore following in addition to the various BOOTMODEs and INSTALLMODEs, the available CONSOLEs are listed.

Another point to be mentioned here is the advanced addressing feature, which is the generic superset for all provided pluging. This so called <machine-address> provides particularly a common set of attributes to be used either in combination or solely - when unambitious - is provided. Again some attributes may be omitted case by case, but some in general. So the UUID is not applicable by definition for a CLI session, which is just a remote login. Whereas it might not be available in some cases only for a VM or a PM, e.g. due to access permissions.

The CREATE action also provides options, which are listed as generic options but may effect the frame of the created session only. These are particularly related to sharing and restarting of sessions as well as for their presentation on graphical desktops. These include sizes as well as screen and workspace position.

The following given sub-options are not order dependent, the keywords are case-insensitive. For call details refer to the specific package.

Refer to common options parts description.


The BOOTMODE parameter supports the alteration between pre-configured boot setups, which is specific to the boot media and the applied hypervisors. The usage of this parameters requires a wrapper script specific to the UnifiedSessiosnManager or a specific configuration variant to be in place. For additional information refer to the test-cases and pattern within the installed directory tree in $HOME/ctys. The following table lists the various support options for current base-plugins.

KERNEL X ffs X - - OK
Supported Boot/Install-Modes

CD ffs ffs ffs - - -
DVD ffs ffs ffs - - -
FDD OK ffs OK - (BIOS) ffs
ISO ffs ffs ffs - - -
USB OK ffs OK (BIOS) (BIOS) ffs
Supported Install-Targets

Optional pathname to an alternaternative boot image.
Change current working directory on remote site before execution of the remote access. This is currently applicable for the X11 and CLI plugins only.
Connects to an existing session, else an exit with error state is performed. Therefore a new client is started.

The CONSOLE supports a common user access facility, which could be an ordinary CLI interface to be used within a shell, as well as a VNC based remote desktop accesible from a X11 based local desktop. The main distinction between a CONSOLE and the HOSTs access is the direct and native access of a CONSOLE to a hypervisor facility, whereas a HOSTs session is an ordinary full-scale login into the running GuestOS.

In addition to the currently supported explicit choices, almost any type of local or remote frontend could be provided by combining DISPLAYFORWARDING, CONNECTIONFORWARDING and an explicit call by CMD suboption of CLI or X11 plugin. For examples refer to CLI-Examples and X11-Examples. Anyhow, for now the following console types are supported for the various plugins as preconfigured enumerations.

CLI X X ffs X X ffs
EASYECLIPSE ffs ffs ffs ffs ffs ffs
ECLIPSE ffs ffs ffs ffs ffs ffs
EMACS - X ffs X X ffs
EMACSM - X ffs X X ffs
EMACSA - X ffs X X ffs
EMACSAM - X ffs X X ffs
FIREFOX - ffs ffs ffs ffs ffs
GTERM - X ffs X X ffs
NONE - X ffs X X X
RDP - - ffs - - X
SDL - X ffs - X X
VBOX - - - - - X
VNC - X ffs X X ffs
VMW - - - - - -
VMWRC - - - - - -
XTERM . X ffs X X ffs
Supported Console-Types - Table 1 of 2

CLI - - - X
EASYECLIPSE ffs ffs ffs ffs
ECLIPSE ffs ffs ffs ffs
EMACSM - - (X) X
NONE (*) X - X
RDP - - - (*)
SDL - - - (*)
VBOX - - - -
VNC (X) X - X
VMW X - - -
VMWRC X - - -
Supported Console-Types - Table 2 of 2

The instmode parameter manages the second stage of an installation process, once the configuration files are prepared. All parameters are mandatory, but could partly be replaced by the keyword default(current version requires NOT UPPER CASE). Current version supports this option for QEMU/KVM only.
The mode to boot, available modes are: CD, DVD, FDD, HDD, USB, PXE, VHDD. Where VHDD is equivalent to HDD.

The path to the install medium. This could be preconfigured within the configuration files. The fully qualified pathname is required. When default, the preconfigured values from the conf-file are used.

REMARK: For now lowercase for default is required.

The mode for the target to be installed. Available modes are: HDD, USB, VHDD.

The path to the medium for the installed system. This could be preconfigured within the configuration files. The fully qualified pathname is required. When default, the preconfigured values from the conf-file are used.

REMARK: For now lowercase for default is required.
The stage of installation.
Controls whether access to the CREATE target should be verified before with the option of polling until success.

PING is used as first to verify accesibility of the TCP stack, before the actual access permission is checked by SSHPING.
Basically the same as CONNECT, but creates new sessions if required.

Basically the same as REUSE, with the difference, that any client session will be terminated before a new ONE is established.

When RECONNECT sub-option is given, any previously running client(and only the clients!) will be canceled before starting the new client. This could be restricted by assigning access-rights to any of current clients, which has to be handled by underlying security layer.

Therefore the hypervisor has to be configured properly for the server behaviour.

Resumes a previously suspended session. This can differ between the various plugins.

Controls whether actual access to the CREATE target should be verified before termination of current task.

The STACKCHECK attribute defines and/or deactivates specific pre-checks for the current VM when used in a VMSTACK-REF context.
for additional information refer to STACKCHECK-REF and to STACKEDSESSIONS-REF.

The STUBMODE suppresses the remote execution of the full ctys set, instead just a remote shell by a simple SSH call is executed. This could be utilized particularly for sessions to machines without an installed ctys.
The account to be used for native access to the <action-target>. In addition to the user name and credentials an optional domain name for the user account - e.g. fo MS-Windows(TM) based accouts - could be provided. Missing parameters are requested during authentication.
Initial "sleep <timer>" after execution of client, once performed before an eventually PING and/or SSHPING.

The effect is visible for the user when operating in SYNCHRONOUS mode, else may have internal influence only.

Initial "sleep <timer>" after execution of server, once performed before an eventually PING and/or SSHPING.

The effect is visible for the user when operating in SYNCHRONOUS mode only, else may have internal influence only.


      | (SPEC_GEN|SPEC):<tab-args>
      | (TAB_GEN|TAB):<tab-args>
      | (XML_GEN|XML):<tab-args>
        | EMPTY | PRESENT
        | ALL | ENABLED
        | IGNORE

ENUMERATE collects the stored static configuration data of all VMs. Therefore the filesystem is scanned for all known types of configuration files with specific matching filters. These could be displayed in various formats and content-sets as selected by suboptions. The display could be either formatted for human display, e.g. by table output, or for machine processing in database conformant ASC-II formats. The set of content is controlled by the provided constraints for specific attributes. The enumeration is applied for local and remote sessions, where lists of start-directories for filesystem scans could be individually defined.

The data is collected for each loaded plugin with stored configuration such as VMs and PMs, dynamic plugins such as of type HOSTs have for now no individual static configuration data, thus are not included in the enumeration. These are displayed by the dynamic method LIST.

The enumeration includes beneath the filtering for specific VM attributes in addition the filtering for some dynamic operational states. This comprises additionally the actual availability of the hypervisor, which depends of the present runtime configuration. In case of Xen for example the appropriate kernel has to be running, or in case of QEMU on x86 the KVM or KQEMU kernel modules define whether QEMU is used in emulation mode only, or as KVM with kernel based acceleration. The same for KQEMU.

The scan could be either proceeded for collection of the actually executable hypervisors on each node, or for the presence of any configuration of potentially executable stored VMs. In case of multiple installed hypervisors, which could be used e.g. by the boot with a different kernel, the latter has some advantages when a test environment is to be setup. Another application is to control the exclusion of templattes and backups, which may cause some ambiguity within the database else.

The scope of the scanned states is controlled by the vstat-enum with the commandline attribute by the suboption MATCHVSTAT, which controls the output dependent of the dynamic and/or static state. Currently the following enumeration attributes are defined.

The output is as listed in the following record description. Some exceptions occur, when multiple interfaces are configured within a VM. Each interface is assigned with each of it's IP address to a seperate output record, containing a single MAC address and a single assigned TCP address. Thus the number of output records is increased for multihomed VMs and PMs resulting in one entry for each interface address.

Some additional values are supported for basic management of VMs by simply adding masked keywords to present configuration files and/or directories. When "-X" option is set, the output is prepared as ";" semicolon seperated list for post-processing. The same is true, when setting TERSE. The MACHINE keyword for full data set as a canonical record implies TERSE.

Processing-Key Short Description
ALL Sets the output to a superset of valid fields.
DNS Transforms TCP addresses to numeric format.
IP Transforms TCP addresses to numeric format.
MACHINE Sets the output to the canonical full-set.
VSTAT Alters the VMSTATE attribute, to be semantically matched.
MAXKEY Sets the output to common subset.
PKG:<pkg-list> Constrains on output to defined list.
REC_GEN Activates proprietary record filter.
SORT Activates sort filter.
SPEC_GEN Activates record filter for visual checks.
TAB_GEN Activates table filter.
TERSE Output for post processing.
TITLE Output of field names.
TITLEIDX Output of field names with indexes.
TITLEIDXASC Field names with additional spreadsheet column-refs.
XML_GEN Activates XML record export filter.
Processing Suboptions

The following table depicts the complete set of fields for current data record.

Nr FieldKey Fieldname Common
1 PM or HOST ContainingMachine X
2 TYPE SessionType X
3 LABEL or L Label X
9 CPORT ClientAccessPort -
10 SPORT ServerAccessPort -
11 VNCBASE VncBasePort -
12 DIST Guest-Distro -
13 DISTREL The release of the distribution. -
14 OS Guest-OS -
15 OSREL OS-Release -
16 VERNO VM-Config version number -
17 SERNO VM-SerialNo -
18 CATEGORY Category -
19 VMSTATE The state of the VM X
20 HYPERREL Hypervisor used for installing the VM. X
21 STACKCAP The capabilites supported. -
22 STACKREQ The list of capabilites required. -
23 HWCAP Offered virtual HW. -
24 HWREQ Required HW, either virtual or physical. -
25 EXECLOCATION Defines the possible execution locations. -
26 RELOCCAP Defines LOCATION behaviour. -
27 SSHPORT Alternative port for p option of SSH. -
28 NETNAME DNS name of current interface. -
29 HYPERRELRUN Release of present hypervisor. -
30 ACCELERATOR Present accelerator. -
31 EXEPATH Pathname for execution frontend. -
32 RESERVED10 For future use. -
33 IFNAME Interface within the GuestOS. -
34 CTYSRELEASE MAGICID of the originator for each record. -
35 NETMASK Internet NETMASK. -
36 GATEWAY Internet Gateway. -
37 RELAY The interconnection interface. -
38 ARCH Architecture presented to the GuetsOS. -
39 PLATFORM Virtual device. -
40 VRAM The pre-configured amount of RAM. -
41 VCPU The pre-configured number of V-CPUs. -
42 CONTEXTSTRG A private context storage for the plugin -
43 USERSTRING A string to be customized by the user. -
Output Record-Format for MACHINE suboption


Returns the port for attaching the front end client services to the server component.


This will be used internally only, or within plugins and macros. Security is based on SSH for ctys execution and the appropriate options of the current VM for restricting to local access only.

The output is presented as follows:


Which could be for example:



Displays miscellaneous static information for the given hosts. This action is under development and is planned to be extended. Currently some OS and Machine information is displayed. Particularly the present HW-Virtualization registers of CPUs the are shown. For now the Display is given as:

  bash-3.1$ ctys -a info -W delphi
  System      :Linux
  OS          :GNU/Linux
  RELEASE     :
  MACHINE     :i686
  vendor_id           :GenuineIntel
  cpu family          :6
  model               :11
  model name          :Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU ...
  stepping            :4
  cpu MHz             :1266.131
  cache size          :512 KB
  vendor_id           :GenuineIntel
  cpu family          :6
  model               :11
  model name          :Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU ...
  stepping            :4
  cpu MHz             :1266.131
  cache size          :512 KB
  Flags assumed equal for all processors on same machine:
  vmx(VT-x - Pacifica)    = 0
  svm(AMD-V - Vanderpool) = 0
  PAE                     = 1
  MemTotal               :  4018 G
  SwapTotal              : 24579 G
  VNC         :VNC Viewer Free Edition 4.1.2 for X - ...
  wmctrl      :wmctrl is on this machine not available
  ctys:       :01_02_003a10
  Plugings:   :   VNC


          [TUNNEL | (CLIENTS|C) | (SERVER|S) | (BOTH|B)][,]
      | (SPEC_GEN|SPEC):<tab-args>
      | (TAB_GEN|TAB):<tab-args>
      | (XML_GEN|XML):<tab-args>

LIST disyplays the realtime runtime data related to actually running local and remote sessions. Therefore the LIST action is a dynamic method in difference to the ENUMERATE action displaying static data. Even though the LIST action is focussing on dynamic data some additional static data is required for mapping purposes and completion of the human readable information. Therefore the dynamic runtime information of the plugins may contain at least some identifiers in order to access the persistently stored data within the configuration files. Also some dynamic data related to the control of jobs and their forked and parallel executed background subjobs is stored in semi-persistend caches. This is particularly required for some nested distribution of subjobs.

All loaded types are listed by filtering according to provided suboptions. The base set to be filtered is defined by the options "-t" and/or "-T". If "-t" is not present, the default "-t ALL" will be applied to all pre loaded plugins. For changing the selection scope of listed users refer to "-s" option.

The LIST action is deeply influenced by the setting of the option "-b" concerning the performance, and the option "-C" concerning the way the output data is displayed. The basic influence on the display is described in "Parallel And Background Operations" the perfomance repercussion is presented in "Performance Measures".

LIST supports various display modes, where the displayed subset of fields could be configured by switching on with the assigned keyword.


The tables mode supports semi-fixed and generic tables. The tables are stored as macros and could be listed by call of ctys-macros(1) .
Field-Name Content
TCP-Container PM
Label <label>
ID <ids>|<id>
C (C|S)
User $USER
Group <group>

The sizes could be defined by providing an integer width for each column seperated by "%". Contents will be truncated righthand when they extend the size of the column.

This defines the following sizes:

Field-Name(index) Size Default
TCP-Container(1) 7 17
TCP-guest(7) default 17
Label(3) 6 20
Sesstype(2) default 8
C(14) 3 1
User(12) default 10
Group(13) default 10

Nr. Field-Key Fieldname Common
1 PM-HOST-H ContainingMachine X
2 TYPE SessionType X
3 LABEL-L Label X
9 CPORT ClientAccessPort -
10 SPORT ServerAccessPort -
ffs VNCBASE VncBasePort -
11 PID PID -
12 UID UID -
13 GID GID -
14 CSTYPE C/S-Type -
15 JOBID JobID -
Output-Format for MACHINE suboption

Processing-Key Short Description
DNS Transforms TCP addresses to numeric format.
IP Transforms TCP addresses to numeric format.
MACHINE Sets output to canonical format.
MAXKEY Sets output to common subset.
PKG:<pkg-list> Constrains on output to defined list.
SORT:[:<sort-args>] Activates sort filter
TAB_GEN:<tab-args> Activate table filter
TERSE Output for post processing.
TITLE Output of field names.
TITLEIDX Output of field names with indexes.
TITLEIDXASC Output of canonical idx numbers.
Processing suboptions


Generic recors are similar to generic tables, just present a line-oriented format instead. Current supported formats are SPEC, REC, and XML.


The TERSE mode displays a specified subset, whereas the MACHINE mode displays the complete set in a semicolon seperated raw format. This is particularly forseen either to be postprocessed or imported to a database or spreadsheet application. The TITLE and TITLEIDX keywords additionally display the fields contained in current record format.


Displays dynamic information for the given hosts. For now the Display is given as:

  bash-3.1\$ ctys -a show -W delphi
  System      :Linux
  OS          :GNU/Linux
  RELEASE     :
  MACHINE     :i686
  MemTotal            :  4018 G
  MemFree             :    96 G
  SwapTotal           : 24579 G
  SwapFree            : 24579 G
  Top         : iterations=10
  top - 10:25:33 up 1 day, 12:39,  1 user,  load aver...
  Tasks: 241 total,   1 running, 240 sleeping,   0 st...
  Cpu(s):  0.4%us,  0.4%sy,  0.0%ni, 98.6%id,  0.5%wa...
  Mem:   4018724k total,  3922936k used,    95788k fr...
  Swap: 24579420k total,        4k used, 24579416k fr...
  28241 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28246 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28247 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28248 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28249 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28250 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28251 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28252 vadmin     5 -10  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28253 vadmin    15   0  388m 308m 296m S    0  7.9 ...
  28230 vadmin    15   0 99216  32m  16m S    0  0.8 ...
  3640 root      15   0 41332  27m 3596 S    0  0.7 ...
  23299 acue      15   0 45984  24m  14m S    0  0.6 ...
  20011 root      15   0 42340  22m  13m S    0  0.6 ...
  23147 acue      15   0 31344  22m 4448 S    0  0.6 ...
  19842 root      15   0 27016  20m 4220 S    0  0.5 ...
  29259 root      18   0 43420  19m  12m S    0  0.5 ...
  23249 acue      15   0  113m  16m  11m S    0  0.4 ...
  2939 root      15   0 21188  16m 4836 S    0  0.4 ...
  19945 root      18   0  109m  15m  11m S    0  0.4 ...
  23247 acue      15   0 77020  14m 9656 S    0  0.4 ...
  23264 acue      16   0 85696  13m 9.8m S    0  0.3 ...
  23280 acue      15   0 85696  13m 9.8m S    0  0.3 ...
  Total ALARMs=0

Generic Options

-A <ambiguity-mode>

Allow ambiguity, this has several effects on values which may or may not be allowed to be ambiguous.


Allow ambiguity(-A 1) or disallow(-A 0:default).

-b <background-mode>

Background and/or parallel execution. This option combines the control of detachment from console and the job distribution to multiple targets.


In addition this option controls the execution of VM-Stacks, which are closely coupled to GROUPS as well as to the background mode, refer to "Stacks As Vertical Subgroups".

Therefore the two properties complement each other, even though some similar effects could occur.

REMARK: The usage of "&" by shell expansion will just superpose the internal job control, which should avoided.

-c <args>


The operations of ctys utilize special virtual-nameservice information which optionally could be read from the inventory database. Either from the local host, or the remote hosts allocated local database. This option controls the usage and selection of the location of these distributed caches at the local and/or remote site.

Distributed Caches

Even though the considerable gain of performance by usage of cached data could be abandoned, the availability of the cache facility is mandatory required for the utilisation of stacked VMs. This is due to required information of the contained environment, which is the runtime environment of the nested VM.

The UnifiedSessionsManager itself is designed as a distributed client-server system operating itself by distributing it's tasks to the managed entities, and propagation of the required states within the vertical stack-dependencies. For this tasks at almost each point of operations ctys requires access data for it's managed objects.

Therefore the UnifiedSessionsManager supports a distributed cache model consisting of multiple cache databases - cacheDBs - which has to be in sync if present, atleast might not contain inconsistent data. Partly present data will be handeled by match-priority. Alternatively the filesystem is scanned for available configuration files of VMs, once the execution target is entered.

The following flags are supported in order of control for the selection of the nameservice-caches to be used, or ignored. The default behaviour is to use "BOTH" caches optionally, and to scan the filesystem on the execution target if no cache-hit occurs. For additional information refer to Section "Distributed Nameservice and CacheDB"

-C <args>


For ctys two basic types of data-caches are used. The first one is the plugin specific in-mem cache, where frequent operations like "ps" for LABEL mapping will be cached for the lifetime of a process. The second is the cacheDB on-disk cacheing, which could span multiple calls to a specific executable.

The in-mem caching is active by default, because the assumption is made that the systems state might not alter relevant to ctys within a call-cycle. This could be deactivated for the common plugins by with the "OFF" option, which additionally.

The on-disk caching is used for two specific reasons.

-d <debug-args>

    -d <#integer>
    is equal to:
    -d <#integer>,MAX,WARNING:1,INFO:1

Sets the level and range of debug output.


The debug mode value could be provided in any bash supported notation, but only 32bit arrays should be used.

The following variables are predefined to be used for levels and pattern.

-D (<display>[.<screen>])|<LABEL>

This option controls the output of local display. The values are mapped to the DISPLAY variable, but due to security resons for localhost only. Thus this is practically applicable to the display target VNC and physical multi-monitor configurations only. VMs are from the point of view for TCP/IP generally different hosts.


Force execution and ignore minor warnings. Basically no "destructive" operation, particularly nothing irreversible will be performed.

-F <remote_version>

Force remote version.

-g <geometry>|<geometryExtended>

The geometry for client-side representation. It is the exact syntax of X client "--geometry" parameter with an additional screen parameter as alias or index for usage with Xorg multiple displays.

ATTENTION: In order of using xorg.conf and saving effort some minor assumptions as requirements concerning the xorg.conf file are made. Current implementation requires due to stateless filtering the field "Identifier" as first entry in "ServerLayout" sections.

Supported variants:


Print help, refer to "-H" for additional information.

-H <help-options>

The extended help option is based on system interfaces for display of manpages, PDF and HTML documents. This comprises the man pages and installed manuals.

For additional help refer to the documents chapter Online-Help or type ctys -H help.

-j <job-id>

The ID of current job. This is an internal call and therefore should just used by developers for test purposes. Any variation of the JOB_IDX for the CLI call may severe job execution seriously and even can damage user data when set for a CANCEL operation.

The originating CLI call should not use this option in productive operations, any subcall may have a propagated value as required. The value within the originating interactive CLI call is set to "JOB_IDX=0". This is the value for the starting point of internal task-scheduler data, and thus the index for the first performed task too. The value is evaluated by plugins for handling job specific PROLOG and within EPILOG for decision of the state of passed job and eventual required post-processing.

In addition a variable "CTYS_SUBCALL" is set.

-l <login-name>

The users, which will be used for hosts without an exlicitly given user. The hosts/groups entries provide the common EMail-Style "<user>@<execution-target>". The default is "$USER", when neither "-l", nor an explicit user is provided.

-L <execution-location>


This option controls the location and possible split of the involved client and server parts of current session. When connecting a user interface with it's server components the following basic constellations could be distinguished:

-M <message>

Free text to be used as prefix for target exec. It will be printed before output.


Just display, do not execute. For test only.

-p <db-directory-path-list>

Path list to directories containing DBs for name resolution, same for each <db-directory-path> as for ctys-vdbgen. ctys will internally handle names by multiple levels of resolution, which depends on the actual executing plugin. The most sophisticated address resolution is frequently required for VMs when using them in a roaming manner on groups of machines, where after some plugin specific resolution of convenient VM-addressing by user an TCP/IP service-access-point for OpenSSH has to be addressed.

The second case to be handled is the addressing of execution entities of type HOSTs transparently within a VM or PM. This will be supplied by ctys-nameservice too. For almost all of the nameservice tasks additionally required for plugin-specific address resolution actions the ctys-vhost command is used internally. This option sets the databases for operations of ctys-vhost. If not present ctys-vhost defaults will be applied.


Use default <db-directory-path>.

-r <xsize>x<ysize>

Remote resolution, which is by default the same as local client size given by "-g" option. This configures the virtual graphic card of the server with the provided resolution. This parameter is not applicable to any application. It has to be defined in the application specific package. The current supported applications are:

-s <scope>

Restrics/expands the scope/selected set for mode of operations.

-S [(on|off)][,][<ignore-signal-spec>

Sets the signal spectrum to be ignored. The values are accepted as numeric values only. Applicable values could be displayed by "trap -l"(within bash).

The default values are "1,3,19", which is set for CLI0 consoles only by default.

In case of CLI, generally for any multi-session call, it has to be considered thoroughly whether and which signals could be set.

-t <session-type>[=suboptions]

Defines the context of execution and the resulting applicable feature set. This could be a flat endpoint-user-session in case of VNC, or a virtual OS-starter in case of a VM session e.g. in case of VMW or XEN. Suboptions specify more detailed characteristics.

Thus this parameter has to be set first. To load multiple plugins for one call, the environment variable CTYS_MULTITYPE or the "-T" option could be set.

-T <session-type>[,<session-type>[,...]] | all

Preloads given list of <session_type> instead of loading the plugins of requested types by "-t" option. Alternatively the environment variable CTYS_MULTITYPE could be pre-set, which has the same result. If CTYS_MULTITYPE and the "-T" option are provided, the option has priority.

This option is required for the scope control of generic actions, which generally will be applied by calling of all current loaded <session_type> interfaces. E.g. the "-a LIST" action lists active sessions for all actually loaded <session_type>. For display of current active sessions of all available <session_type>, the "-T all" has to be used.


Show version. Current version scheme is as follows:


Show version. Current version scheme is as follows:

-W <WorkspaceId>|<WorkspaceLabel>

This parameter requires the tool 'wmctrl' to be present, if not the usage is not provided and an error message is generated before exiting ctys.

When provided by system and successully detected, the following applies:


Defines the resolution of required nested access to a chain of servers. This is e.g. the case when from the machine CLIENT01 the HOST01 is accessed. When now HOST01 required some information from the HOST02 there are basically the options to fetch theses from HOST01 or reply with an open issue and fetch the information from CLIENT01. For requirements exist both cases, but for the common task of user-logins the SSO-keys are only present on the CLIENT01, atleast in case of OpenSSH the ssh-agent might run on CLIENT01 only. When using Keberos with the ticket forwarding option, the CHAIN option should be prefered.


Generate terse output for post processing. The '-v Verbose' flag is not effected and should be only used for testing.


Activates some terminal capabilities, mainly coloring of ERROR, WARNING, and WARNINGEXT. Very handy when debugging, but not yet supported for Emacs-Consoles. As an alternate the variable "CTYS_TERM_COLORS" could be set to "0". When selected the local and remote settings are both set at once. In current version this is set by default when the variable TERM is set to "xterm".


Activate 'ForwardAgent yes'/'-A' of OpenSSH. If not active, another SSH authentication is required for each hop. When no mechanism like keys or Kerberos is in place, password authentication will be used. The basic configuration of SSH has to be prepared appropriately.

-z (NOPTY|PTY|1|2)

Control the allocation of a pseudotty by ssh. Therefore one or two "-t" options could be set for the internal "ssh" call.

  NOPTY    : Eliminates "-l" of standard bash-call
             and "-t" for ssh-call.
  PTY      : "-t" 
  PTY,PTY  : "-t -t" 
  1        : "-t" 
  2        : "-t -t" 


Controls call permission-grant. The calls requiring impersonation to another users ID, frequently "root" for restricted system resources, are supported to use "ksu" and/or "sudo". This option replaces the default settings from the configuration file. The mechanisms could be switched on/off selectively.

  KSU     : use Kerberos
  NOKSU   : do not use Kerberos (DEFAULT)
  SUDO    : use sudo
  NOSUDO  : do not use sudo     (DEFAULT)
  ALL     : use al provided

As an persistent alternative following environment variables could be pre-set.

  USE_KSU (0=>off 1=>on)         (DEFAULT:0=>off)
  USE_SUDO (0=>off 1=>on)         (DEFAULT:0=>off)

The evaluation is implemented as a generic check for first match of hard-coded call-check. The following order of permission tests is performed for each system callee.


In case of 2.) the current ID is checked for "$USER==root", if not, than a warning is generated, but continued with procedure. This is due to possible security flaws, when assigning root-ID to an ordinary user. Anyhow, when using ctys from a system account, this might be OK.

REMARK: When a user cannot be authentified by one of sudo or ksu, then the system waits for a user interaction. BUT, due to internal "silent" checks the stdio was redirected, of course. Thus the system seems to be "hanging", or requests "Password:" and seem not to continue afterwards, but it "may work". This is a "natural dilemma", because within the generic check function called for each task several times the output has to be suppressed. Currently no detection for an exceptional User-Dialog request is implemented. So for now are two diagnosis facilities implemented:


This means, that some redirection for the call context is still active, because it is a required output data, or is simply bulk data which might flaw the whole sense of diagnosis.

When typing a RETURN the process will continue, but disabling the current type of permission mechanism. This could be OK, when KSU and SUDO is set, and KSU has no permissions configured, but SUDO has. It could lead to an later error too, when none could be detected. This scenario occurs for:


      [--]                                         \
      ['('<any-options global for all remote>')']  \
      (([user@]<hostname>)|<groupname>)['('<any-options>')'][ ...] 

These are the remote options which are given as global and individual options for each host. The options are (almost) the same as for common call.



is required when using remote options, otherwise some problems with standard remote options might occur.

<user> default:${USER}=${USER}

When instead the "-l" option likewise the r-functions is supported the given user(list) is permutated with the listed hosts. Particularly nice for bulk-tests, but anyhow a limit of about 20 sessions to individual hosts (IP-addresses) is hardcoded to avoid some "hard-coded-resets". This value could be reset by following environment variable:



  default:'uname -n'(`uname -n`)


Any user defined group/macro, for additional information refer to ctys manual.


Any global option could be provided individually for each host. E.g. individual debugging level on that host only. One implementation specific to be aware of is, that these options are superposed, but not reset, thus the current environment will remain for the following host. The following example shows three hosts, where each has a different debugging level. First of all the debugging flag and level is not forward propagated, and as common for all other environment settings too, "the last wins".

  ...-d 6 -- ( -d 3 ) host01 host02( -d 1) host02(-d 0)...

So, the given options results in the following scenario:

  -> localhost:   -d 6          = -d 6
  -> host01:      -d 3          = -d 3
  -> host02:      -d 3 -> -d 1  = -d 1
  -> host03:      -d 3 -> -d 0  = -d 0


Command to be executed on the target host, which could be a native physical providing a remote desktop based on VNC, or a virtual machine like Xen. In any case the login will be performed by means of the target system, but the administrative support for seamless execution is provided by this tool.


ctys use-cases
ctys-uc-IPMI(7) , ctys-uc-WoL(7)
ctys plugins

KVM(1) , ctys-QEMU(1) , ctys-VBOX(1) , ctys-VMW(1) , ctys-XEN(1)

ctys-CLI(1) , ctys-RDP(1) , ctys-VNC(1) , ctys-X11(1)

ctys executables
ctys-distribute(1) , ctys-extractARPlst(1) , ctys-extractMAClst(1) , ctys-genmconf(1) , ctys-plugins(1) , ctys(1) , ctys-vdbgen(1) , ctys-vhost(1) , ctys-wakeup(1)
system executables
dmidecode(8), ether-tool(8), ether-wake(8), nc(1)<a.k.a. netcat>


Arno-Can Uestuensoez <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/>


Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2020 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez

This is software and documentation from BASE package,

For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.