ctys-uc-VBOX - Use-Cases for VBOX
This is an alpha version, where the post-install functionality is provided first. Thus the installation and configuration has to be performed by the provided means of the supplier for now.
For current version the standard facilities of VirtualBox(TM) has to be utilized.
The following call starts a session:
ctys -t vbox -a create=l:vbox001,b:$VMDIRPATH,console:vbox lab02
The filename option "b:" is used, which sets the root directory for the subtree to be scanned for the VM defined by the label parameter 'l:vbox001'. The evaluation could be processed from cacheDB and/or by scanning the filesystem on the execution target. The cacheDB is influenced by the option '-c'.
The console is of type VBOX, which is a tightly coupled synchronous console, where the execution states of client and server are correlated.
The directory VMDIRPATH could be any directory pointing to path containing the vdi-file and an optional ctys-file, either self or within the subtree..
The UnifiedSessionsManager implements the standard behaviour, to try a native call to the GuestOS first, if that fails or a timeout is hit, than the VMware hypervisor interface vmrun is called.
ctys -t vbox -a cancel=l:vbox001,poweroff:0 lab02
The simple LIST call
ctys -a list lab02 ws2
produces the output:
TCP-container|TCP-guest |label |stype |accel|c|user |group -------------+-----------------+------------+---------+-----+-+------+---------- ws2 |- |vbox001 |RDP |- |C|acue |ldapusers ws2 |ws2.soho. |- |- |HVM |S|- |- ws2 |ws2 |- |- |HVM |S|- |- ws2 |- |vbox001 |SSH(VBOX)|- |T|acue |ldapusers lab02.soho |- |LAB02 |VNC |- |C|root |root lab02.soho |- |tstCF |VNC |- |S|acue |ldapusers lab02.soho |- |LAB02chkusr |VNC |- |S|chkusr|ldapusers lab02.soho |- |LAB02 |VNC |- |S|root |root lab02.soho |08:00:27:D2:9E:D9|vbox001 |VBOX |HVM |S|acue |ldapusers lab02.soho |- |vbox004 |VBOX |- |S|root |root lab02.soho |lab02.soho. |- |- |HVM |S|- |-
This is the default case for two VMs - vbox001 and vbox004 - running on lab02 with
CONNECTIONFORWARDING to ws2, and local only on lab02.
The CONNECTIONFORWARDING mode is currently supported for any asynchronous console type.
The intermediate SSH tunnel - here SSH(VBOX) is established automatically by the
The same call with the suboption 'machine' and 'titleidx'. The 'machine' suboption forces all available fields to be displayed. The 'tittleidx' displays the human readable names of the fields, including the canonical field index for selection, e.g. within custom tables.
ctys -a list=machine,titleidx lab02 ws2
The output is simply formatted as a text-string to the screen width,
thus without consideration of the content.
ContainingMachine(1);SessionType(2);Label(3);ID(4);UUID(5);MAC(6);TCP(7);DISPLA Y(8);ClientAccessPort(9);ServerAccessPort(10);PID(11);UID(12);GUID(13);C/S-Type (14);JobID(15);IFNAME(16);RESERVED1(17);CONTEXTSTRG(18);EXECPATH(19);HYPERRELRU N(20);ACCELERATOR(21);ARCH(22) ws2;RDP;vbox001;;;;;;5950;;901;acue;ldapusers;CLIENT;;;;;/usr/bin/rdesktop;rdes ktop-1.6.0.;;x86_64 ws2;;;/etc/ctys.d/vm.conf;;00:23:54:2e:eb:96;;;;;1;;;SERVER;bond0;;; ;Linux-2.6.26-ws2-deb-005-ws2-deb-005;debian-5.0;HVM;x86_64 ws2;;;/etc/ctys.d/vm.conf;;00:23:54:2e:eb:96;;;;;1;;;SERVER;eth0;;;;Linux-2.6.2 6-ws2-deb-005-ws2-deb-005;debian-5.0;HVM;x86_64 ws2;SSH(VBOX);vbox001;5950-5904;;;;;5950;5904;891;acue;ldapusers;TUNNEL;2010071 3081630:22795:0:1:1;;;;;;; lab02.soho;VNC;LAB02;1;;;;1;;;27430;root;root;CLIENT;;;;;/usr/bin/vncviewer;Rea lVNC-4.1.2;;x86_64 lab02.soho;VNC;tstCF;3;;;;3;5903;;2213;acue;ldapusers;SERVER;20100712104607:190 37:0:1:1;;;;Xvnc;RealVNC-4.1.2;;x86_64 lab02.soho;VNC;LAB02chkusr;2;;;;2;5902;;3267;chkusr;ldapusers;SERVER;2010071020 0016:31650:0:1:1;;;;Xvnc;RealVNC-4.1.2;;x86_64 lab02.soho;VNC;LAB02;1;;;;1;5901;;6475;root;root;SERVER;;;;;Xvnc;RealVNC-4.1.2; ;x86_64 lab02.soho;VBOX;vbox001;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox001/vbox001 .vdi;531f42f1-9c64-425e-bf88-319cbe592453;08:00:27:D2:9E:D9;;;5904;;5525;acue;l dapusers;SERVER;;;;;/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless;VirtualBox-3.1.2;HVM;x86_6 4 lab02.soho;VBOX;vbox004;;;;;;;;9920;root;root;SERVER;;;;;/usr/lib/virtualbox/VB oxHeadless;VirtualBox-3.1.2;; lab02.soho;;;/etc/ctys.d/vm.conf;;00:0E:0C:CF:5C:12;;;;;1;;;SERVER;e th0;;;;Linux-2.6.18-164.15.1.el5;CentOS-5.4;HVM;x86_64
The formatted display of results could be arbitrarily varied by custom tables as shown in the following example. These could be either provided as a call parameter, or stored as MACROs persistently.
ctys -a list=machine,\ tab_gen:3_label_10%%2_TYPE_8%%1_PM_10%%5_UUID_12%%6_MAC_17%%7_TCP_13\ lab02 localhost
The output results to:
label |TYPE |PM |UUID |MAC |TCP ----------+--------+----------+------------+-----------------+------------- vbox001 |RDP |ws2 | | | | |ws2 | |00:23:54:2e:eb:96| | |ws2 | |00:23:54:2e:eb:96| vbox001 |SSH(VBOX|ws2 | | | LAB02 |VNC |lab02.soho| | | tstCF |VNC |lab02.soho| | | LAB02chkus|VNC |lab02.soho| | | LAB02 |VNC |lab02.soho| | | vbox001 |VBOX |lab02.soho|531f42f1-9c6|08:00:27:D2:9E:D9| vbox004 |VBOX |lab02.soho| | | | |lab02.soho| |00:0E:0C:CF:5C:12|
The following call displays the main identifier of the test-pool VMs. For additional information refer to User-Manual:"Display of Available Sessions".
ctys -a enumerate=macro:TAB_ENUM_LST,b:/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial lab02
The resulting display is:
label |stype|TCP |MAC |UUID |ID -------+-----+-------+-------+--------------------------------+------------------------- vbox004|VBOX | | | |itial/vbox004/vbox004.vdi vbox001|VBOX | | |531f42f1-9c64-425e-bf88-319cbe59|itial/vbox001/vbox001.vdi vbox002|VBOX | | | |itial/vbox002/vbox002.vdi
The same executed on a machine with valid VirtualBox(TM) installation and set 'machine' parameters.
ctys -a enumerate=machine,b:/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial lab02
The resulting display is:
lab02.soho;VBOX;vbox004;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox004/vbox004.vdi;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;DISABLED;;;;;;;;;;VirtualBox-3.1.2;;;;;;;;;;;;;VERSION:VirtualBox-3.1.2; lab02.soho;VBOX;vbox001;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox001/vbox001.vdi;531f 42f1-9c64-425e-bf88-319cbe592453;;;;5904;;;;;OpenBSD;;;;;DISABLED;;;;;;;;;;VirtualBox-3. 1.2;HVM;;;;;;;;x86_64;;320;1;VERSION:VirtualBox-3.1.2; lab02.soho;VBOX;vbox002;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox002/vbox002.vdi;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;DISABLED;;;;;;;;;;VirtualBox-3.1.2;;;;;;;;;;;;;VERSION:VirtualBox-3.1.2;
The same executed on a machine without installed VirtualBox(TM) and set 'machine' parameter.
ctys -a enumerate=machine,b:/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial
The resulting display is:
The difference is the missing of any attribute where the usage of utilities contained within VirtualBox(TM) is required. This is basically the same case as the missing of access permissions.
ws2;VBOX;vbox004;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox004/vbox004.vdi;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;DISABLED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ws2;VBOX;vbox001;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox001/vbox001.vdi;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;DISABLED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ws2;VBOX;vbox002;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox002/vbox002.vdi;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;DISABLED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Once the basic installation and setup is accomplished, first a file-scan based start of a VM should be performed. Therefore the root directory for scanned subtree should be set in order to reduce the actual scan duration. The option -c off deactivates the use of the nameservice cache for an initially empty cacheDB, thus suppresses several warnings and error messages of internally called tools. For further informatio refer to the CREATE action.
The next step - after successful installation and configuration of the UnifiedSesssionsManager is the creation of a populated cacheDB by usage of ctys-vdbgen(1) for storage of a list of actually available instances. This is by default applicable on distributed machines and is performed by default as parallel-tasks with minor dependency on the count on targets. The following call scans a test group with 4VMs, where one has no access permission at all, thus is hidden.
ctys-vdbgen \ --replace ctys-vdbgen \ --replace \ --cacheDB=/homen/acue/.ctys/db/vbox01 \ --base=/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial \ lab0 ctys-vhost -o pm,label,ids app2 vmw acue tst-ctys
The following call of ctys-vhost(1) lists all available VMs with given constraints, in this case all instances of VBOX which could be started by the user "acue" on the host "app2". The set displayed has to be additionally of the set "tst-ctys", which is the testpool for the UnifiedSessionsManager.
ctys-vhost -p /homen/acue/.ctys/db/vbox01/ -o pm,label,ids .
The pm, the ids and the label are displayed as a result.
The additional string '.' is used as a awk-regexpr for any.
lab02.soho;vbox001;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox001/vbox001.vdi lab02.soho;vbox002;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox002/vbox002.vdi lab02.soho;vbox004;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox004/vbox004.vdi
The previous output, which is by default displayed in TERSE format could be formatted by a generic custom table. The following call displays the required canonical field indexes.
ctys-vhost -p /homen/acue/.ctys/db/vbox01/ -o pm,label,ids,titleidx .
The indexes in title line are prefixes as an extended table title by TITLEIDX. The values are the so calle 'Canonical Indexes' of the database records to be used for definition of custom tables.
ContainingMachine(1);Label(3);ID(4);SSHport(27) lab02.soho;vbox001;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox001/vbox001.vdi lab02.soho;vbox002;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox002/vbox002.vdi lab02.soho;vbox004;/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/test/initial/vbox004/vbox004.vdi
This values could be now used to define the output table as:
ctys-vhost \ -o pm,label,ids,tab_gen:1_PM_7%%3_label_4%%4_ID_30 \ lab02
As could be seen in the following output, this table configuration is not really helpful. The field sizes are too short, and the common leading part of the pathnames for the ID fields is quite long.
PM |labe|ID -------+----+------------------------------ lab02.s|vbox|/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/tes lab02.s|vbox|/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/tes lab02.s|vbox|/mntn/vmpool/vmpool05/vbox/tes
The following changes might help in advance of usability:
ctys-vhost \ -o pm,label,ids,tab_gen:1_PM_11%%3_label_9%%4_ID_30_L \ lab02
Although this is much more helpful, the raise of the ID value should Ahelp some more.
PM |label |ID -----------+---------+------------------------------ lab02.soho |vbox001 |st/initial/vbox001/vbox001.vdi lab02.soho |vbox002 |st/initial/vbox002/vbox002.vdi lab02.soho |vbox004 |st/initial/vbox004/vbox004.vdi
The previous examples could be stored as MACROs and called just by
their macro name.
Several preconfigured macros arre available and could be listed with
the utility
Addtional Information on MACROs is available within the User-Manual.
ctys(1) , ctys-CLI(1) , ctys-configuration-VBOX(7) , ctys-createConfVM(1) , ctys-groups(1) , ctys-macros(1) , ctys-plugins(1) , ctys-RDP(1) , ctys-uc-VBOX(7) , ctys-vdbgen(1) , ctys-vhost(1) , ctys-VNC(1) , ctys-X11(1)
For System Tools:
rdesktop: [ http://www.rdesktop.org ]
Arno-Can Uestuensoez | <https://arnocan.wordpress.com/> |
<https://unifiedsessionsmanager.sourceforge.io/> | |
<https://github.com/unifiedsessionsmanager> | |
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Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2020 Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
For BASE package following licenses apply,
This document is part of the DOC package,
For additional information refer to enclosed Releasenotes and License files.