- Manuals and Use-Cases are contained within the installation in PDF, HTML, and MAN format.
The slides use
HTML Slidy by Dave Ragget.
Check the bottom-toolbar for help, F11-Key toggles to
full screen mode and back, page-up and page-down do
what they promise, same for Pos1 and End.
The layout is primarily foreseen to be used with for Firefox.
The standard package contains basic documents with FDL-1.3 license.
These documentation comprise the text based
online-help and man pages for basic startup.
The advanced documentation is available by CCL-3.0 license as an addon
which integrates seamless into the BASE package.
A detailed listing with description is available within the
Releasenotes document.
The CCL-3.0 - Creative-Commons-License is still an
OpenSource-License, the choosen attributes allow the
private usage and unmodified distribution, where the
contact details of the author has to be provided for
additional information.
You have to agree to the provided license -
- before downloading any of the following documents.
A download manifests your aggreement - particularly
in case of commercial usage.
These documents are also contained in
the DOC package.
Extracted subsets for specific tasks:
The Manuals are available in two variants containing different degrees of hyperlinked tables of contents. A PDF file with an extended table of contents to be used as online help and a second with a reduced table of contents foreseen to be printed.